Humphrey Odhiambo, Real Wealth LTD, CEOAlas! We are again at another end-year. Time flies! Many of us will say.

Well before turning the page of the new calendar – 2013, let’s agree that the changing lifestyle of a people has today brought together a set of contemporary and modern classic interior styling for spaces.

Developers have a chance for major improvements in what they do. We hasten to say developers should develop spaces! We laud them for the effort for providing dwellings. You construct offices and commercial units.

Take this seriously

But as we look back, we say, provision of valuable spaces should begin from inside to outside. Take this seriously. Developers; you need to read, listen and act. Hey you home buyer, you have a taste. The better part of that taste is in the interiors.

Indeed, allow me ask: Why settle for some builder’s house? Don’t you deserve better than that box. As the adage goes; “Think out of the box”.  Rest your head where you can gaze at an inviting roof, a welcoming floor, a talking wall, a sound lighting system and a refreshing bathroom among other appealing aesthetics.

Comfort and uniqueness

Friends, what is to dwell? What is found in the intimate places and spaces we contemplate as homely? Where are the dreamt about sanctuaries? Think about it. Are you in a dwelling space you hold so dear owing to the interiors? Probably or are you an accomplice of undesired interiors? With either a no or yes answer there is surely some contribution you make to the interiors that make your space.

Well, experience in dwellings tells me that there is always something ever-present and so powerful that’ll push you to better your space. That drive suggests a continuance of appreciating interiors and professionals who make it happen in Hotels, Offices and domestic dwellings.

There’s intimacy with colour, comfortable furniture and unique furnishings. An intimate individual’s architecture of dwelling spaces is deeply entwined with the imaginative processes and preoccupations of comfort and uniqueness.

In this edition, we stress the need to develop talents; such as the interior designers and home-dwellers to find the time to intimately rethink their spaces and places. This is all about style, pattern and themes.  Beautiful homes thrive on ideas.

In the articles: Me! An interiors accomplice…?and Cheap is expensive, as well as others that highlight on a range of quality products and services, emphasis is laid actualizing sanctuary spaces of one’s intimate style dwelling in mind.

Better Homes are imagined and eventually realized owing to an ecological-like, exchange of ideas entwining the exterior – or sensitivity toward the natural world – with an individual’s intimacy with interior.

As you plan to better your space we do wish you Happy Festivities and a bountiful New Year!


Humphrey Odhiambo