Slumber like a VIP


Big or small, everyone deserves very important treatment in their sleep writes Hilda ODHIAMBO stressing the need to usage of posture-care slumber products.

Why is sleeping more and more important? Research, findings uphold that people spend one-third of their lives asleep – in bed – or precisely on mattresses. That’s a chunk of life being devoted to sleep. The activity thus renders a reason to think comfort when it comes to slumber.

Quality sleep has a wider part to play in people’s health. Physically, sleep conserves and restores energy. During the night, every element of the body goes to repair. The heart-beat rate and body temperature decline, growth hormones are released and the immune system is restored.

Indeed for this reason, Manu Mediratta and his brother Jay Mediratta, both directors at Slumberland Kenya Limited stress that quality sleep doesn’t just surface. “One has to invest in quality sleep,” quips Manu. That miss-able sleep can only be found on well-designed, comfortable and durable mattresses.

The secret of a good night’s sleep lies at the heart of the mattress, in the fillings and most importantly, the spring system. We strive to ensure that at the end of each day, our tired and weary customers are assured of a rejuvenating, “good night’s sleep”, says Manu.

Insisting on everyone having a VIP-Sleep, the duo steers the company in manufacturing top-standard inner-spring beds and mattresses under the franchise license from Slumberland Plc in the United Kingdom.

From a humble beginnings in 1987, the company has stepped-out and up to nurture and lull its Eastern African region customers to sleep. Theirs has been more about provision of comfort that’s for a good night’s sleep.

Diversified products

After carrying out a thorough research and following its vast experience with the hotel industry, Slumberland has diversified its product range. It recently embarked on provision of soft furnishings and bed linen, together with its range of beds and divans.

Among the bedroom products that Slumberland’s invaluable customers are offered include: Bed sheets, Duvet covers, Mattress protectors, Duvets, Towels, Bed linen, Pillow cases, Pillows and Valances. All the linen is imported from various countries.

Simultaneously, the company has stretched its wings to supply, serve and satisfy several hotels in East and Central Africa, stretching as far as Rwanda, Ethiopia, Congo, Sudan and Somalia.

In the regional market, Slumberland avails its products to all markets, through a network of retail outlets as appointed dealers country-wide and hire purchase firms. In the recent five years, the company has joined hands with Kenya’s largest supermarket chains, such as Nakumatt Tuskys, Naivas, Ukwala and Uchumi Supermarkets, to supply all its bedding and linen throughout the country.